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Quests And New Content

Winds of the North includes a plethora of changes to existing quests as well as new quests and locations.

Quest Level Changes

Winds of the North comes with a couple of mods that change when certain quests become available. This helps better align the game with some of the balance changes made by Simonrim.

Arena Quest Requirements

The largest of these mods is the Arena - Quest Requirements Addon.
This mod alters the required starting level for many quests in the game to align better with Arena’s encounter zones.

Arena Quest Requirements is a work-in-progress mod by SimonMagus616 and DeltaRider. Do not redistribute this mod without explicit permission

Quest Level
Hearthfire Letter 15
Dungeon Delving (Markarth) 15
The Forsworn Conspiracy 15
Kill the Giant (The Pale) 15
Kill The Vampire (Solitude) 20
Unfathomable Depths 20
The Black Star 20
Ill Met by Moonlight 20
The Break of Dawn Usually in Arena Quest requirements this would be level 20. But in WotN, Meredia's Beacon is available in Rielle from level 1. Getting to it before level 15 would be a difficult endevour.
A Night To Remember 20
The Mind of Madness 20
Dawnguard 20
The Wolf Queen Awakened 25
A Daedra's Best Friend 25
The Cursed Tribe 25
The House of Horrors 25
The Taste of Death 25
Waking Nightmare 25
Boethiah’s Calling 30
Discerning the Transmundane 30
Pieces of the Past 30
The Only Cure 30
The Whispering Door 30
Dragonborn (Requires the completion of the Horn of Jorgen Windcaller too) 30
Deathbrand 30
The Ebony Warrior 40

Radiant Requirements

Another important mod for re-leveling quests is “Radiant Requirements” by Parapets. This mod “modifies select radiant quests so that they don’t send you to locations with dangerous enemies until your level is high enough.”

Dungeon Type Min Level
Draugr 9
Spriggan 9
Forsworn 14
Hagraven 14
Warlock 14
Dragon 19
Falmer 19
Giant 19
Vampire 24
Werewolf 24
Dragon Priest 29

New Questlines and Locations

In addition to the changes mentioned above, there are a number of new quests and locations in Winds of the North.
Below I will detail how exactly to start these new quests.

Quest Requirements
Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers Complete "Mind of Madness"
level 20
Wyrmstooth Complete "Rise in the East"
Siege at Icemoth Read a journal at the Old Wooden Jetty, just west of Northwatch Keep
Taarengrav Barrow The barrow is available at any time in the western rift.
As a draugr dungeon, enemies will start at level 10
Morthal Barrow Morthal Barrow is available at any time, but I suggest being at least level 25, as its a vampire dungeon.